Check 4d Magnum Results. Pick a 4-digit number from 0000 to 9999 eg. Place a buy with a minimum of RM2 or multiples thereof.

Visit i14d to keep track of all 4d today. Place a buy with a minimum of RM2 or multiples thereof. In addition to checking the latest results you can view past 4D result and take advantage of it for numbers of future 4D lottery draw.
Magnum 4D every games are conducted every Wednesday Saturday and Sunday and sometimes they also have a special draw on Tuesdays.
Only applicable to Magnum 4D Jackpot prizes. Thanks you for checking 4D with us. Check for the final results in some time as they will be updated below. There are no limits for prizes claim at any of the 4D Regional office in respect of the 4D Classic tickets.